Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Recent Sunday Studies

Some Mental Brain Storming From Sunday:

There are important things that Snuffer hinted about in The First Three Words (found in the book Essays: Three Degrees or in the link below), trying to help us realize we need to "see" where we are.

Add that to a prior discussion about the need of being fore-ordained with "priesthood" prior to coming here (or it's like ordaining a sack of flour), and the "Noble & Great" degree talked about by Abraham. There seems to be different degrees or levels of spirits that come to mortality based upon prior progression/failure ("3 degrees"). Another part caught my curiosity, when Snuffer said something about Ham's wife Egyptus not aware about being caught up into a city of Enoch like the others did (Snuffer also references this comment to Moses 7:22 and Abraham 1:22-23)... though all 8 stayed in the ark to continue the mortal experience after a major cleansing. Also important is the need to be "Complete", by having a certain promise and an eternal relationship... even prior to ascending to the Lord's Presence (a Throne Ascension). If some who come into this life are not even able to hold priesthood based on their not passing/keeping their first mortal estate, not having it fore-ordained before this life according to Alma... then we must presume that not all can have greater things that require priesthood as a foundation, like C&E promises, some sealing authority, eternal relationship and throne ascensions(seeing the face of God). I pondered about the Lord and the crumbs to dogs comment to the lady who wanted healed (and He eventually does heal her), and Him coming only to work with IsraEl (the family of God), etc. Which brings to mind why some are placed in the mortal circumstances that they are, who gets certain opportunities. And what about the talk about some cursed lineages not holding priesthood in the past (I mean why are some spirits placed into those lineages -or other harsh living environments- in the first place, and how long do such curses continue - 3 or 4 generations after that family ceases the carried on error or at the time of Christ's Atonement?)... prior to and after dividing up "priesthood" into 3 different levels; or Joseph or Brigham doing some kind of marital re-arrangements; which later morphed into Brigham selfishly thinking a man with more priesthood can have the wife (if she so chooses) of a husband who has lesser (or none at all I would assume falls into that). What if there is something to matching up spouses on similar progression level/degrees that BY later altered for his selfish benefit? Can a Terrestial degree (second estate) person have an eternal union with someone Telestial (first estate) in the same mortality? The Noble and Great already obtained C&E, Eternal Sealed Relationships, etc before coming here, and then have those things restored or re-confirmed to them here (like Denver said about Joseph Smith in 1832 in the Mission of Elijah)? Who could even non-pridefully accept, let alone declare openly, to "see" that they were among the Noble and Great in the first place, even if true? Then think about plural wives of prophets in the Bible (even Denver discusses in PTHG and Mission of Elijah of the two rare reasons it can be lived and how Joseph progressed for being obedient to it though he personally found it morally wrong) and what ever actually occurred in Joseph Smith's history. Maybe we can better see when such things might be a necessity.

Gets the wheels turning. Had some further inspiration and instructions (more stuff I find hard to digest). Then reading NT and other writings seemed to shed more light later that same day. 

We gotta have the proper foundation to really understand. The full gospel is complex. Anyway, back to publicly debating little things online like some arguing about saving for a Temple to redeem Zion... good grief, what's it gonna be like when gathering occurs, actual temple building, temple ordinances, sharing, etc.


Also Read: 

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