Monday, April 6, 2015

Why things have been "out of order"

Why the church and fundamentalism has been out of order since Joseph Smith... only the hard hearted and prideful will fail to give it all a proper hearing. Hope that isn't the case with any of the people I know or are acquainted with. Even the mock up or type and shadow of the real thing that was in the church (The Head Patriarch) came to an end. Read the entire article linked to above.

Quoting from the pdf posted above:

"Now even the imitation of it has come to an end, because there is no perpetuation “in honorable remembrance” of the descendants of Hyrum Smith124 occupying the office of to the Church. There have been many signs given by God that He was about to do something new from the time of the death of Joseph Smith till today. All that was left at the end was for a witness to be appointed, to come to declare, “Now it has come to an end.” In the last talked in the 10 lecture series I said, the witness has now come, and I am he. It has come to an end with something new now begun. One of the signs of it having come to an end was the passing of Eldred Smith. There are many other signs given if you look for them. You can see them all along the way, from the condemnation in 1832,125 to the expulsion from Missouri,126 the forced exodus from Nauvoo, the suffering during and following the exodus, the afflictions, judgments and wrath of God at the Saints,127 their pride, lying, deceit, hypocrisy, murders, priestcrafts, and whoredoms (as Christ foretold128), inquisitorial abuse of the population129 once isolated from the US, mass-murders,130 contradictions in “fundamental” teachings, changes to the ordinances131 including the temple rites, quest for popularity and centrally-controlled, tightly correlated rejection of teachings—the history of the LDS Church has been a long, downward path.132 It has walked away from the light, and increasingly embraced darkness. Its members are now ruled by traditions that contradict the scriptures and commandments of God. They are asleep and cannot be awakened. God will now do something new and leave them to make their own way. 

  Emma Smith, Sidney Rigdon and William Marks said without Joseph Smith there was no church. They were right. As soon as Joseph Smith was out of the picture there was a complete overthrow of the church by the quorum of the 12. The quorum of the 12 substituted themselves in the place of the equal distribution of power in the church established by revelation."

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