We are here to gather all into one common fold that can go on to help build Zion at last. The following are my views, and may or may not be the views of others in the new remnant gathering community.
There is no modern church or fundy group with a "one man" who has "all the keys" or who has the only valid priesthood left. There is no Patriarchal Heir or Order like that which Patriarchs in the Old Testament had. None of them have brought back what Joseph Smith or guys in our scripture have had (a STRONG connection with the Godhead and the Familial Patriarchal Governmental Order of old). None of them have redeemed Zion. They have started out confused on what to do, have splintered and divided every which way again and again, only to end up just as confused as when they began. Most every fundamentalist group claims to hold the highest priesthood, but also will finally admit that they "need set back in order too", or that their "ordinances will need to be redone in Zion", etc. If you need set in order too, you too do not have what you need to do what you do in a group setting.
Don't get me wrong, there are some seriously awesome and good people in those groups. I personally enjoyed meeting with them more than with the mainstream LDS. I mingled with you. I attended your meetings. I hung out in your homes. I made friends with you. I almost joined you early on. You guys are more dedicated to defending and living truth and trying to be a set apart people from the world while the LDS have made good friends with it. On face value, it appears your sacrifices have been generally more than lived by the mainstream LDS. You suffer much from the LDS and the outside world for your beliefs.
Here is the catch... the actual timing of the break. In my view, everything that deals with the high and Holy priesthood fell out of order within Mormonism as a group prior to 1890, actually being lost back in Nauvoo after the failure to build the Nauvoo temple and redeem Zion.
If you think your group has sealing authority passed on man to man in ordinance form, or from Grandpa so and so to Dad, or outside any group through the BF Johnson line, what if that priesthood ceased being honored long ago? What if in our "out of orderness" in our day, the real thing is obtained from the Lord direct, after you build a relationship with Him for some time?
If you are fundamentalist, you are welcome to organize and gather into our communities, even with plural wives you already have. Kody Brown of Sister Wives, you can too. The Lord's new movement is open to all.
I agree with Denver's public statement though, do not add additional wives into your family. He also made it clear not to add plural wives unless a person has direct command or authorization (and the necessary priesthood because there being no proper group covenant order) from the Savior Himself, which he discussed in Passing the Heavenly Gift and on his blog. D&C 132 says Christ gave Abraham, Jacob, Moses and other great prophets their priesthoods and promises. D&C 132 was originally intended as a letter written up by Joseph as a way to inform Emma of how and why it was possible for him to also live Plural Marriage. Doesn't it make sense, when you deeply step back an analyze it all... if things are out of order in the priesthood groups of men, then the real stuff must be obtained from heaven again? If you live such things without the "real stuff", participants could possibly be held accountable for adultery. That I think that may depend on the intent of your heart and what you actually knew at the time. I know BY and JT continued PM. They had secret Apostles and quorums and dedicated their lives to defending the familial lifestyle Joseph Smith in fact was trying to live (or was about to live once the temple was built and the law stopped falsely accusing him). I remember hearing what Pres or Apostle so and so said in the 1880's about being able to live concubinage even if the keys to live plural marriage are gone, or that they would continue to live PM after the manifesto no matter what. I know Lorin Woolley said Pres Taylor wanted them to keep doing PM after the manifesto, and set him and others apart to do so. Woolley also said to never organize and compete against the church, thinking the church was still the Lord's church and had the keys to run it, and that they were to only continue PM since the church gave up on it. Course the church in the 1920's started to refuse to allow LDS members who were still taking new wives into church meetings, and they were stuck with knowing what to do then. So they (short creek members) decided they better figure out what to do as a cast out group. I know the AUB thinks they now have all the keys after 1978. I know some independents who claim to stand as Adam over all the priesthood on earth. I know BF Johnson gave the 2A to Benjamin Lebaron, who gave it to Alma Dayer Lebaron, and on to the Lebaron brothers, then on to independent "patriarchs" of today. It is time for things to be cleaned up. The mischief, the vain claims, the divisions, the families being broke up over button, button who has got the button, and the pushing families into living the hard familial plural lifestyle because they think they have to before gaining exaltation, has gone on long enough.
None of the groups have returned to what Joseph Smith and the prophets in our scriptures had. Those prophets communed with Jehovah through the veil until they saw Him in person. They saw the Father. Joseph Smith and Patriarchs of the past had the Patriarchal Family Order or sought to restore it. That is the priesthood sceptor necessary to do a great work for heaven. They with authority from God, teach others truths that the Lord has taught them... that is the covering of light also needed. So many have claimed to be the one mighty and strong. They have come and went. Some have ended up in prison.
Obtain these greater things individually, regardless of what organized religious groups fail to do, regardless of where you find yourself on Sundays, and then you can be one mighty and strong for the Lord. Obtain and BE these things instead of just claiming to, then wait on the Lord to direct, allow or command.
This being said, I do think the Lord is fair and merciful. If you are practicing something that you had Faith that the Lord wanted you to live, thinking that your fundamentalist leader or adopted or actual patriarchal father had the ability to allow you to live it, I sincerely doubt that someone could be damned (for a few mortal probations?) or held accountable for adultery. I have seen some of you blessed greatly. I have seen many suffer many hardships as well. But confusion and continual divisions continue in all places.
I have seen leaders using donated funds in ways that benefit themselves and not their group. I have seen the history on "evil Ervil" being an accessory to murder of a good man trying to do best for his followers. I have seen priesthood leaders being accused or involved in child sex abuse. I have seen Warren Jeff's being accused of and sent to prison for child rape and forced marriages. Men were pushed away so that leaders would have more pick for wives. For the life of me... why??? You are looked up to by your people! They expect you to be virtuous and clean... since you claim to hold the only keys to give couples eternal life together! To do what is best for the whole group... not just yourselves! I have seen the cult-like follow the leader mentality in all the organized lds groups. I have seen the divisions and strifes. I wept considerably in the past seeing it all! Seeing that Zion was not yet among anyone, and I sincerely wanted to be a part of the people who would be used to build it. Many groups are hoping to be the people used to eventually build it... but at the same time many thinking that only their priesthood will get you there, which only closes minds from being open to the fact that the Lord just may be using another servant and another group from doing that final work.
I just want to be part of that final work. I want to see the contention on certain principles and possibilities to end. I want to see people no longer dividing and losing their spouses and family members because one wants join a different group and the other stay. I want us all coming into Zion, and as a group sitting at the feet of the Savior who could say to us... "Well done My good and faithful servants and Sons!"
The gospel truly is amazing. It truly has some possibilities that many find hard to understand as to why and how. Any privilege or blessing had by great prophets of the past, could be had by families today, if they come in and meet the same terms and conditions to obtain the same promises that those in the past held. But for now, more people need to come unto Christ. Go to Him. Rely on Him. Trust Him. Ask Him questions relentlessly. Go thru the process and endure the hardships that unevitably come. We need to get our current family relationships "in order". We need to return to the agreeable doctrines of the gospel, which so many of us called milk for the longest time. So many have sought for the "heavenly gifts" from the hands of mortals. We need to turn our directions, our efforts and seek from the only One who stands at that gate to offer what He alone has to offer. Turn to Him. I know He does work with us. I know He wants to work with you and tell you all the answers to your questions and grant you the things you truly seek. He has worked with a fellow such as I for years, He can do so for you. This is the great mystery that should not be mysterious. This is really what the restored gospel is really about! God is no respector! He doesn't care if you are president or sitting in the pews, all have equal access to Him! Imagine yourselves as Adam, with priests coming to offer you things. Adam had no organized religion that he had to obtain things from. He was told to turn to heaven for answers and greater things. Be as Adam, and find it from on high, just like he did. Go thru the process, the path to Christ. Find Him and He will lead you along. He will be your Minister! He will comfort you when the rest of the world seems to be against you! He will be your light and lead you along the way! He will help you converse with Him thru the veil, until you come into His actual presence! He will bring you those promises of Eternal Life and grant greater priesthood authority when He deems you ready. Then you can go on meekly saying, I like Abraham have great promises and priesthood... because you have gone thru a similar path he did to merit it.
I declare again that Christ does personally work with us. You may deny it for a time, but you will eventually realize Him working with you. You may hear things declared from Him that you just cannot understand or believe at the time. He will likely inform you later on some things to help you understand when the time is right. He will test and try your faith and reliance on Him. He will bring you to the point that your heart is extremely broke and your heart is contrite. You too can come to get to know His true character and how He is, by the way He personally works with you. He is amazing. He forgives us before we forgive ourselves. He is understanding and can see through your errors and remain with you when you think He for sure has moved on and forgotten you. You can hear Him and the Father declare things to you that will anchor you I(once you overcome your doubts) and keep you "grounded" while you go through what you need to go through.
Surely God can do such a work as this with you. Surely this is His work and His glory. YOU! He wants us all on the same standing, not one above the other. He wants us to be like Him eventually.
I hope and pray for myself to continue to receive greater things, and especially pray for my friends in our communities and others to receive greater things. More spiritual gifts. More revelation. More conversing. More visitations. More calling and elections. More sealing power to be among us. To have a family of God (adopted Sons and Daughters to Him) who can then gather and help build Zion to fullfill the promises given to Patriarchs of the past. The Lord has seared into my being these things. These are my greatest desires. I will never cease trying to do my part to help others and myself to get where our Lord and Father wants us all to be. This is Their work, and I will do what I can to assist Them.