Sunday, July 20, 2014


There is no such thing as a Snufferite.  I recently read a comment about him being the next Jim Harmston (TLC), which is quite humerous to say the least! This just goes to show that people are judging the man without even rightly investigating what he really believes and knows. The last thing he wants is a following of people depending on him like we gentiles have done in the church and other groups. I simply jive with the truths that he shares. The Lord was teaching me through searching and pondering, deeper understanding of things through the Spirit, personal experiences and direct word of the Lord revelation on many things. When I learned about Denver and his books through some friends, I realized that he had already learned many things I was learning on my own. When I quote him or scripture, I am basically using those quotes to say what I want to say. I am a follower of no man. I may listen to men, to see how much truth they may resonate with. I may quote them when I liked what was said. But above all else, I seek the Lord's word to me direct and seek His actual presence. Denver's experiences, or even Joseph Smith's experiences will not personally save me. Only one stands at that gate! When I started reading DS books in 2010, and had 6 months of email conversations with him that year, I was well versed in Church and Fundamentalist histories. I had already investigated Church leader’s statements and spiritual experiences since Brigham Young to our day, and even many break off groups and independents and was sorry to see that the heavenly connection was not like those in my scriptures or Joseph Smith’s. I was still so concerned with getting all the ordinances from the most valid line of mortal priesthood. It was apparent that things are not as they should be EVERYWHERE I WENT or investigated. I saw many saying come here and get what you seek for, but I sought ordinances from a priesthood group or lineage that had more than just ordinances. Simply carrying on ordinances, but lacking the power (C&EMS, greater experiences, talking with the Lord face to face, etc) is not valid in my view. Denver simply redirected much of my energy from searching for man and their ordinances to connecting with the Lord on my own. I had to seek from the Lord that which I sought so hard from man. I already knew that calling and election from the Lord was a necessary ratification and important step, but I also wanted to make sure I had all the necessary ordinances along the way. I argued with Denver in that year on some things. I WANTED to believe that there was a valid priesthood group passing on all the ordinances AND experiencing greater things like in scripture. I didn't like it when he was trying to explain that things have been out of order since 1844. I WANTED to believe that there was a valid Holy Order or group that remained since then. I WANTED to believe that things were out of order since around 1890. But I was searching for people with a real connection with the Lord. I wondered if maybe Denver just had a strong imagination for spiritual things like I have seen others do, or was an imposter or deceived like so many I had already read about and dealt with in the past. I wanted to find people connected with the Lord. He claimed to some experiences in his books, and I questioned him trying to figure out if his experiences were spiritually imagined or actual. I have since learned about others who Denver has helped meet the Lord. I have friends or people I know of who have their calling and election from the Lord and even the face to face presence of the Lord. I have had many amazing (and some unexplainable) experiences and revelations of my own, but wish I was advanced far enough along the path to be sitting at the feet of the Lord like other friends and those in our scriptures.


More about my own past…


I have been researching Church history intently since 2007 after reading Hugh Nibley's Approaching Zion. I really grew concerned that Zion has fled and we never got it back. 2008 is really the year that I “woke up” to many truths I did not want to think were true. I soon started to realize the doctrinal changes, temple changes, church presidents differing on doctrine, and mainly saw a large difference between prophets and their strong connections with God in the scriptures and Joseph Smith's history, compared to church President's since Joseph. I learned about fullness of priesthood and C&E. I knew that even if we get all the ordinances from man, the climax or final acceptance of us by the Lord is through C&E and standing in His presence.



I have spent time among fundamentalist groups and independents. I enjoyed my time among them and the research of their histories. I know how break off groups believe and operate. I am not one to sit around and do nothing, if there is something as serious as the fullness of the Gospel and priesthood on earth (I felt the church had lost it long ago), I wanted to find out who truly had it and who enjoy the eternal benefits that come from it. I keep in touch with people and keep up to date with everything related to the restoration. I watch and observe everywhere. I wish we were all seeing eye to eye and had no contention and divisions within the church, and between all the break off groups and independents.


Is it the ordinance of baptism that washes you clean or how you take upon you the name of Christ, or is it something you do on your own at the right time? When we are directed to take upon us the HG after baptism by laying on of hands, is the ordinance conveying that gift or is it something to be obtained depending on when the person is actually ready and the Lord grants it? Will a 2 hr ritual performed in an Israelite or LDS temple, or anywhere else, really wash you clean and fully prepare you to be called Kings and Priests to God or endowed with power from on high... or is it showing you a long path that must be followed in order to become such? A man could be baptized or attend an endowment ceremony a 100 times and still never receive what the ordinance is pointing to. There are priestly ordinances and there are the real things. Being washed ceremonially clean in a ritual is instruction on how to actually become clean. Wouldn't it be quite magical if a 2 hr endowment ceremony when I was 19 was what washed me clean from the sins of my generation and endowed me with some power!


This I know, that the spiritual ordinances that are represented within the physical ordinances passed on man to man... are the real ones to obtain. Everything the church does (or doesn't do anymore for the members), everything the fundy groups or BFJ line of independent Patriarchs try to carry on or pass on man to man, are ordinances of man that point us to the true ordinances given from the Godhead. They are invitations. The Lord authorized Joseph to keep those invitational ordinances among us. The Lord never told Joseph, as far as I am aware, to tell the Apostles and others at the last charge to stop doing ordinances when he hinted that he (Joseph) was done with the church and put the burden upon them to lead the church. If a man obtains the real things from the Godhead direct, does he still need to obtain the physical ordinances that point to the real ones -from a man? Can a man who obtains the real things from above, do physical ordinances for those he has responsibility for (as directed by His priesthood head - the Lord)? Which priesthood head are we taught to be obedient to in the temple endowment? Who are we trying to connect with in that same endowment? Isn't it obvious that the real second anointing will come from the same Being that the first endowment shows us we must connect with?


The Israelites and the Gentiles have sought from the hands of men (rely on the arms of flesh) that which God must give. In their unintentional Idolatry, they were more interested in joining a group of people passing on ordinances in a temple. Thinking those ordinances make you a member of the Kingdom of God. Thinking that all that is needed for priesthood leadership to pass on such ordinances, is to obtain the same ordinances from the leader before who has had them. Thinking that they have the keys of Moses or Joseph Smith to continue making people members of the Kingdom, when they do not actually go there in themselves. If such key holding claimants actually knew what it was really like to enter the kingdom, they would not have continued or continue the false traditions that have plagued Israel and us gentiles and would teach more about the greater things by sharing their own experiences (instead of Joseph Smith’s or prophets past).


So, now a few people are actually entering therein. Some are actually obtaining C&E and a fullness, and some communing with Christ face to face. They all seem to have similar understandings and characteristics. All seem to have gone on similar paths. They are trying to help the church leaders and members (and all other groups and independents) turn to these things. To head in the right direction. They are not creating another break off group to join. They are not competing. They are teaching to find the Lord no matter where you are. They have experienced some things, tasted of the real fruit of eternal life, experienced things like Joseph Smith and those in our scriptures and simply want THAT WORK OF GOD to go forth as much as possible. Didn't the Lord want more people "endowed with power from on high" in order to build a Zion that would remain (seeing that the church in Joseph's day failed many times). Wouldn't it be expected that the Lord would want that same thing to happen in our day, before Zion and the millennium comes along? But how many are rejecting that message? Knowingly or unknowingly? How many are saying our leaders or a lineage of Patriarchs have Joseph Smith's keys to save and no one else (lo here lo there)? How many don't want to believe great experiences are being had by lay members because our leaders don’t talk about their own experiences like that? How many think they can’t receive the Lord until they receive all the ordinances offered by priesthood leaders they presume to hold saving keys since the days of Joseph Smith? The same thing which has happened before, continues to happen. Nothing new under the sun as Isaiah states.


The Lord is giving all the latter day gentiles a 2nd chance (setting His hand a second time) to help us really see what Joseph Smith was trying to get the members to do. To remember, to really understand what the real work of obtaining the Fullness really entails. To do that which all our ordinances point to. To do that which men in our scriptures have done. That which Joseph Smith, Moses and others have done. The message of the Lord is going forth. Will we continue to reject the message of the Lord carried by those who Know Him, only to continue to rely too much on the ordinances and traditions carried on by the arms of flesh, presuming we have all we need? Or will we "all arise" and seek for more? Will we unite, comfort one another and see that the intent and purpose of the ordinances are to teach and point us to the real things? Sometimes the message of the Lord comes from un-expected places (think Abinidi or Samuel the Lamanite). I believe the Lord is giving our gentile group one final chance to get the fullness back, before starting something new with others if they reject it or don't work hard enough to get it back. If the message is rejected by the church and groups and other independents, are we connected enough with the Savior personally to be selected by Him to be a part of a new group effort that may come about in our day if the Lord determines the times of the gentile opportunity is over? Something that may become the final Zion that will remain into the millennium? The Lord needs a group of like minded friends who see eye to eye, who Know Him personally to help build Zion. Few there be seems to run through the scriptures and my mind. But I wish and hope that is not the case in our day. We should definitely know better than any other people that have lived on this earth. So many records of success and failures in the past. Temple ordinances that teach the true path. The life and history of Joseph Smith. But the pride of man prevents him from becoming like a little child in order to completely open up his mind and heart and rethink some things to progress further. The choice to look into what I am talking about is yours. How hard is it to read some guy's writings who claims real experiences and face to face teaching with Christ, ponder and pray on it? Problem is we are used to following a leader. We think Snuffer wants to become the next break off leader. He doesn't. He is simply sharing with us what the Lord commands Him to do so. From my own personal journey, experiences and revelation, the same message is coming from him that I have have been trying to share with LDS and fundies everywhere. Seek the face of the Lord no matter where you find yourself on Sundays. C&EMS comes along the way. Denver is much more advanced on the ladder than anyone else I know. He has spent years of face time with the Lord and angels. The man is and will perform a great mission among us. Why not point others to hear from that man instead of me. Hopefully the day will come when I too can say that I meet with our Savior face to face. Hopefully you too will do so, whether or not I or anyone else does.