Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Defending our History

D&C 124 - Revelation to the saints to build and finish the temple was given Jan 19, 1841. By this time, the section heading states that the saints had already built up their city and even church headquarters were already setup. The Lord asks the saints to now go with all their might to finish the Nauvoo temple, so he could restore HIS ordinances to our people, new things, hidden things, even above the temple rituals/ceremonies the Lord already stated the saints would do in that temple in this section. Isn't it interesting that between Jan 1841 and Jun 1844 when our prophet was taken from us (likely for our failure to finish that temple), that the members failed to finish the temple in what I would consider "the allotted time" to do so, since Joseph was taken prematurely from us? Hmm, around 3.5 yrs of warning. Then for about 3.5 yrs, the church had no "one man", no president, no presiding GA considered "the Prophet" by the members (search for Andrew Ehat's BYU paper on "The Mormon Succession Crises"). The temple was unfinished when Joseph went to that jail, and he knew that him and his brother would die by mobs if they went back. He knew what would happen. Did he offer himself up for our failure to redeam Zion? To allow an opportunity for us to have a second chance to redeem Zion and at some later time and some other place as circumstances require? That opportunity is coming fast, and I think most LDS and even many israelites and gentiles around the world feel it. What are we doing to be a part of that? Are we personally prepared individually to be invited there? Are we doing what the temple ritual plainly is teaching us to do in this mortal life? Or have we gentiles, who were offered the fullness in the 1800's (preparing souls to go to a temple or mountain to face God themselves, from the least of saints to the greatest... all have that duty and priviledge), even having Zion, a holy city among us... lost the "fullness of the gospel" as 3 Nephi ("when the gentiles shall lose the fullness of my gospel..." -who else was given the BOM and the fullness in the last days?) says we would? How well do we know our own gospel? How well do we know what the fullness of gospel means, or the fullness of priesthood, or what those hidden things and personal ordinances the Lord would give as found in D&C 124? 

The Lord states in D&C that a time would be given the saints to have the fullness brought back, as the Lord told Joseph that it was lost. The Lord states that if the saints (in the 1800's) fail to earn the fullness and Zion, they would be removed out of their place. Surely they were removed out of their place after Joseph offered himself for them. The 12 were directed by Joseph to manage the church right before he tells them he was leaving them soon (see the Last Charge). There was no presiding president for about 3 yrs. Things were rather chaotic after Joseph's death. Joseph did not name any other successor after his death. He did not name Brigham Young to be his successor. His brother Hyrum was previously made a prophet/seer/revelator to the church as a Patriarch. Hyrum was his successor... but Joseph new that if he and Hyrum return to Carthage, the mobs would take their lives. As if he knew his own successor would go with him. In the last charge he told the 12 he was leaving and put the church upon their shoulders. The saints were driven from Nauvoo, with Brigham Young heading them to the rockies, as Joseph formerly said they would go (or be cast into the wilderness for a time?). Isn't it obvious Joseph knew exactly what was happening and what would happen to him and Hyrum? Isn't it easy to conclude that the Lord was probably telling Joseph that the members and leaders were failing to receive the fullness and Zion in Nauvoo, and that He was displeased? 

There was no other named Presiding successor to Joseph, by Joseph as the D&C states presiding authorities should do.
Joseph obviously knew what was going on with Nauvoo failures, but obviously not telling the 12 and church the whole story. But he did hint to it.
Joseph knew the saints would go on to the rockies. Obviously they were being removed out of their last place for failure to redeem the fullness and Zion in Illinois while Joseph was still with them (compare to Moses and Israel).
Brigham Young made himself the "one man" about 3 yrs after the death of Joseph, without a comment consent vote. Others were trying to convince members to make them church Pres or the one man, so Brigham convinced the members that he should be the one man since he was a close friend of Joseph and head of the apostles.
Brigham Young himself stated in JD that he was not a prophet like Joseph Smith. Even saying he was a yankee guessor and never had a visitation. Obviously he was trying to teach and live the best he could what Joseph Smith was being told to do by the Lord Himself. I would invite all to research and determine wether or not Presidents after him were connected to the Lord like Joseph Smith or guys in our scriptures were. 
Have we changed doctrines, teachings, even temple rituals or clothing? The church has been confused on and even changed teachings on past practices such as PM, law of adoption, consecrating cities (most of the D&C directs the saints how to do this), even changing many things in temple ceremonies and clothing?

So where are we really today? What does it really mean to have the fullness of the gospel among us? What does it really mean to prophecy, be a seer and give revelations? What new things are we learning since Joseph's departure? Or are we losing even what he understood and lived since his death? Could we be misled thinking all is well in Zion, when Zion is far from us today? Could we be defending a church history that looks wonderful to us to protect our presumed all is well attitude? Could there be a history that we need to examine more to see what really happened? Where are the answers to these questions today?

Tough questions for a tough time.